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Finding The Right Answer

Crossword Puzzle Clue: FATUOUS

Finding the Right Answer

The term "FATUOUS" has been used as a crossword puzzle clue on numerous occasions, with varying answers depending on the length of the solution required. Here are some possible solutions for the clue:

Answers for FATUOUS

  1. INANE (5 letters)
  2. SILLY (5 letters)
  3. ASinine (6 letters)
  4. SIMPLE (6 letters)
  5. vapid (5 letters)
  6. STUPID (6 letters)
  7. UNWISE (6 letters)
  8. IDIOTIC (7 letters)

These answers all convey the meaning of "inane" or "silly," which is the most common interpretation of the term FATUOUS. Crossword solvers should consider the length of the answer required and the specific context of the puzzle to determine the most appropriate solution.


Solving crossword puzzles can be a fun and challenging way to exercise your brain and expand your vocabulary. By using online resources or consulting a dictionary, you can find the right answer to even the most obscure crossword clues. So next time you're stumped, don't give up - keep digging and you're sure to find the solution.
